Funny how the next 2 weeks will define a lot of what my bike season looks like even though right now it's 24 degrees, there's fresh snow on the ground, and the only riding I'm doing today is a spin class at the Sports Club. But we're well into event registration season.
Registration for Iceman and Lumberjack 100 open on March 1st and 2nd (and both sell out in minutes) for events in June and November. I'm hoping to get into Iceman, if I don't I'll try to pick up a transfer as people drop out later in the season. Lumberjack, I don't know... I have to admit 100 miles on a mountain bike in June (or any time) is pretty intimidating, so if I don't get in I'll just go out and support the Greyhounds and maybe do a bandit lap (33 miles, no problem) to check out the course for next year.
DALMAC and Peak2Peak opened their registration this week, for events in September and October. Those don't fill up as fast - currently only 14 signed up for Peak2Peak, including me and Ann. This will be my 4th Peak2Peak - it's a fun race even in the bad weather we had last year, although last year's expert/elite riders might disagree since their race got shortened due to bad weather.
Derek and I have successfully registered for our 4th DALMAC. A nice ride, except for the one day every year when it's cold and wet.
And I'm doing something I've never done before on a bike - raising money. I'll be registering for the Komen Ride for the Cure as soon as there's a Greyhounds team registered with them to sign up with. That's really goiung out on a limb for me - ride 100 miles, no problem. Raise $500? Not really in my comfort zone. But I'll give it a try, and it's a good cause so it shouldn't be too difficult.
August is shaping up to be pretty busy - Komen on 8/3, Maybury TT on 8/17, X100 on 8/24, DALMAC starts on 8/29 in Lansing and ends on 9/1 in Mackinaw City.
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